The Art of Collage With Alison Lytle - February NAG Meeting 2020
At February's NAG meeting,
Guild members and guests had the chance to get creative with collage!
- Instructions and materials provided by Niagara University instructor, Alison Lytle.

This workshop was a ton of fun! It was so interesting learning about and seeing examples of Alison's collage work, and then seeing how each person added there own creativity and ideas to the process.
Thank you for this wonderful workshop, Alison!
[ Members; There was a lot going on this meeting. Kyle went around taking photos of just about everything, but if your finished collage wasn't posted, feel free to send us a pic at either NiagaraArtsGuild@gmail or post it on our Facebook page. ]
The guild also continued on with its, “Artist Remembered”, series with a retrospective presentation on the life and work of the well known Lockport artist, Joseph Whalen, thoughtfully given by his friend Barb Stuewe. Thank you for that enthusiastic presentation Barb!
The Niagara Arts Guild meets every third Friday of the month, at the Dale Center in Lockport NY, with presentations and Art demos at every meeting - New members welcome!
photo credits: Kyle Lefort Copyright 2020 (Artwork and other items pictured belong to Alison Lytle and/or guild members, respectively. Some additional 3rd party prints and other works are pictured in this post, for educational use in the collage workshop)
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