Becky Wilson's Brusho Demo - October NAG Meeting 2021
At this year's October meeting, NAG member Becky Wilson introduced the guild to Brusho and demonstrated some techniques for using it to create unique watercolor paintings.

It was fascinating to see how just a small amount of Brusho crystals could create such a vibrant painting in a short amount of time. Amazing work Becky! Thank you for the demo.
To see more of Becky's work, check out "Watercolors by Becky". inside ART247, Market Street, Lockport NY. Open to the public with free admission weekly.
Niagara Arts Guild meets every second Friday of the month, at the Dale
Center in Lockport NY, with presentations and Art demos at every meeting
- New members welcome!
photo credits: Kyle Lefort Copyright
2021 (Artwork and other items pictured belong to Becky Wilson and/or guild members, respectively)
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